Tue,Dec 30,2014
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

CPC vows no tolerance of intra-Party cliques

(Xinhua)    07:06, December 30, 2014
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BEIJING, Dec. 29  -- Political discipline should be further enhanced and fractions within the Party that are organized for personal gain are "absolutely not tolerated," a key meeting of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was told.

"Despite a certain amount of control over undesirable work styles and corruption, the entire Party should keep its cool in the still arduous and complicated anti-graft fight," said a statement released Monday after a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. "Discipline should be put in a more prominent position so as to strengthen restraints on Party officials and members through strict and clear rules."

"Organizing cliques within the Party to run personal businesses is absolutely not tolerated," it said.

The meeting also scheduled the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) for Jan. 12-14.

The meeting was presided over by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

The statement urged maintaining a "high-voltage" crackdown to persistently stem undesirable work styles and corruption, calling on tenacity and patience for a long-term campaign.

"For those violating discipline despite the crackdown, violators must be punished, and the responsibilities of their leaders should also be pursued," it said, stressing the role of discipline inspections and Party committees at all levels in the fight against corruption.

It urged disciplinary inspection organs to foster a team of officials that are "brave, loyal and clean-handed" for the anti-graft campaign.

During Monday's meeting, attendees also reviewed a guideline on strengthening the construction of a socialist consultative democracy.

According to the statement, the CPC will improve the country's socialist consultative democracy system to better collect the people's opinions and unite the people's force and wisdom to ensure scientific and democratic decision-making.

In addition, a document was reviewed at the meeting on improving the CPC's guidance on various groups and federations such as the Communist Youth League and All-China Women's Federation.

These organizations are seen as a crucial link for CPC to maintain connection with specific groups of people such as women, artists, the disabled and children.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)
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