Mon,Dec 29,2014

Editor's Pick

AirAsia issues correction on nationality of those onboard of missing plane

(Xinhua)    07:39, December 29, 2014
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A man related to people onboard missing Malaysian air carrier Air Asia flight QZ8501 makes a phone call at Juanda international airport in Surabaya in East Java of Indonesia on Dec. 28, 2014. Air Asia Indonesia has released information about the 162 passengers and crew members onboard Flight QZ8501, which lost contact with the air traffic control Sunday morning. (Xinhua)

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 28  -- AirAsia Indonesia issued a correction Sunday on the nationality breakdown of passengers and crew on board the missing flight of QZ8501.

The revised passengers' list includes one Singaporean, one Malaysian, three South Koreans, one Briton and 149 Indonesians.

The crew include one French and six Indonesians.

The Airbus A320-200 aircraft with 155 passengers and seven crew members onboard lost contact with the air traffic control on Sunday soon after taking off from Surabaya in Indonesia's East Java province.

Earlier, AirAsia said the passengers and crew members include one Singaporean, one Malaysian, one French, three South Koreans and 156 Indonesians.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)
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