Fri,Dec 12,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Central government supports Hong Kong government's action to clear occupy sites

(Xinhua)    13:14, December 12, 2014
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BEIJING, Dec. 12 -- China's central government Friday said it supported the Hong Kong government and police's decision to disperse and clear the Occupy protest sites.

The central government "fully agrees and firmly supports" the Hong Kong government and police's decisions to stop these illegal activities, thereby maintaining social order and safeguarding the rule of law, said a statement from the State Council Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office.

Hong Kong authorities cleared occupy sites in Admiralty on Thursday and traffic in front of the government headquarters was moving again before midnight.

Protestors for the Occupy Central movement had erected a traffic blockade in downtown Hong Kong, seriously undermining Hong Kong's social order, economy, democratic progress and rule of law, the statement said.

"We have noticed that the clearance operation was well received and welcomed by the residents of Hong Kong," the statement said.

The statement reiterated that the central government will continue implementing the policies of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law as well as supporting Hong Kong's democratic progress.

"We hope that Hong Kong's society will engage rational and pragmatic discussions and accumulate consensus about its political development within the boundaries of the Basic Law and decisions adopted by the Standing Committee of National People's Congress," it said.

The central government expects Hong Kong to follow the "five-step" process to realize universal suffrage in the election of the region's next chief executive in 2017.

The Occupy protest has not won the favor of the Hong Kong people, the statement continued.

It also urged the Hong Kong society to "learn from this experience" and think calmly and carefully about the future of Hong Kong.

The people of Hong Kong should have a better understanding and implementation of the "one country, two systems" principles, it said.

The region should seize the opportunities presented by reform and economic development and fully take advantage of its unique developments, under the bigger picture of protecting the country's sovereignty, security and interests as well as its long-term stability and prosperity, the statement said.

(Editor:Yuan Can,Yao Chun)
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