Fri,Dec 12,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

China to improve livelihood of low-income people

(Xinhua)    10:15, December 12, 2014
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BEIJING, Dec. 11 -- China will continue improving people's livelihood with necessary and timely support, especially for those with low incomes, according to the Central Economic Work Conference concluded on Thursday.

More attention will be paid to the low-income people, so as to satisfy their basic living needs and stabilize the overall social situation, said a statement released after the conference.

The key is to secure employment with accurate planning and arrangement and give full play to the market that can encourage entrepreneurship, improve job training and enhance governmental services, the statement said.

The conference stressed the importance of poverty relief in China's development and demanded high-quality education for every child of poverty-stricken families.

Meanwhile, local featured industries will be supported and the government shall carry out poverty relief work with specific targets to cover all the impoverished population, according to the statement.

(Editor:Du Mingming,Zhang Qian)
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