Fri,Dec 12,2014

Editor's Pick

UN urges high-level security meeting between Sudan, S. Sudan

(Xinhua)    10:53, December 12, 2014
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UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 11 -- The UN Security Council on Thursday called on Sudan and South Sudan to hold a high-level security meeting as soon as possible, and expressed grave concern over humanitarian situation in Sudan's conflict zones.

In a press statement, the Council welcomed the Nov. 4 visit to Sudan's capital Khartoum by South Sudan President Salva Kiir for talks with Sudan President Omar al-Bashir, after which the two sides issued a joint communique reiterating their commitment to implement the cooperation agreements and enhance bilateral ties.

The Council members welcomed the stated commitment of both presidents to implementation of Sept. 27 2012 Cooperation Agreements, "particularly on security matters, and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor from Sudan to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance to the affected populations in South Sudan."

"They called upon the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan to hold a high-level security committee meeting as soon as possible," the statement said.

Additionally, the 15-nation body reiterated their grave concern about the "relatively calm but highly volatile security situation" in Abyei Area.

"The members of the Security Council further reiterated, in accordance with relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1990 and 2046, that the Abyei Area shall be demilitarized from any forces, as well as armed elements of the local communities, other than UNISFA (the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei) and the Abyei Police Service," the statement said.

The issue of the border areas constitutes one of the biggest barriers hampering the settlement of differences between Sudan and South Sudan where the two countries dispute over five border areas, including the oil-rich Abyei.

In Thursday's statement, the Council members also expressed grave concern about the dire humanitarian situation resulting from continued fighting in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile States in Sudan, as violence, displacement and food insecurity have been disturbing features of the conflict in these states over the past three years.

"They called on all parties to refrain from any acts of violence against civilians and to expedite safe and unhindered humanitarian access for the timely and full delivery of humanitarian aid to all civilians in urgent need of assistance," the statement said.

The most powerful body of the UN renewed its calls upon the government of Sudan and rebels of Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM)/northern sector to cease hostilities, engage in the next round of direct talks without conditions in January as planned, and make the necessary concessions to reach agreement on ending the conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile States in accordance with provisions of resolution 2046 (2012).

The African Union has been patronizing the negotiations between the Sudanese government and the SPLM/northern sector in the Ethiopian capital to reach a settlement for the conflict in Blue Nile and South Kordofan areas, but the two sides failed to achieve any progress in the last round of talks.

The South Kordofan and Blue Nile states have been witnessing armed clashes between the Sudanese army and the SPLM/northern sector since 2011, after South Sudan's independence.

(Editor:Yuan Can,Zhang Qian)
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