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Wilfried: I bring handmade chocolates to Qingdao

(People's Daily Online)    09:14, October 31, 2014
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Wilfried (Photo/People's Daily Overseas Edition)

Wilfried is a man from Belgium, but he lives just like the people of Qingdao. He loves to visit the Badaguan scenic spot, and he is a regular customer at the Snack street of Zhongshan road with his friends. His career is in sweets - or in handmade chocolates, to be exact. He has created the Pas chocolate brand and has opened several exclusive Pas stores. His label is the sole chocolate supplier for the Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition.

Speaking of his links with Qinddao, Wilfried recalls that he came to Qingdao for the first time in 2008 and that the city had made a strong impression on him. “Qingdao is a most beautiful city – the air is so fresh. and the Qingdao people are so hospitable.”

Wilfried settled down to launch his handmade chocolate business in Qingdao in 2009. "Belgian chocolate is very famous. We make chocolate in the way that the Chinese make steamed buns and dumplings." He points out that Belgians eat an average of 12 kilograms of chocolate every year, while the average Chinese eats only 40 grams. Nevertheless, China's chocolate industry is growing very fast, which offers business opportunities to Wilfried. “I like Qingdao - it’s my favorite city,” he says.

61 year old Wilfred is already a grandfather but he still has the mindset of a youngster. “I don’t like being retired - I prefer to work.” Although he comes to China alone he never feels lonely. He is too engrossed in his sweet business.

"We try to offer our customers chocolate at acceptable prices, and we hope that our chocolates will make their life sweeter.” After five years of hard work, Wilfried's business is going well. He says that he has taken a lot of trouble to make his Pas chocolate brand well-known." Five years - every day I make new friends and I really enjoy my life.”

He also says that he loves his family but does not depend on them. “I have started a new life in Qingdao, and I have gained a lot here.”

This article was edited and translated from 《我把手工巧克力带到青岛》, source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author: Song Xiaohua

(Editor:张媛、Yao Chun)
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