Thu,Oct 30,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

China mourns Zambian president's death

(Xinhua)    07:21, October 30, 2014
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BEIJING, Oct. 29  -- China expresses condolences for the death of Zambian President Michael Sata and extends sympathies to the Zambian government, people and his family, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

"President Sata is a famous leader and statesman of Zambia and has made contributions to China-Zambia relations," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.

The Zambian government said on Wednesday that Sata died of an undisclosed illness in London after medical check-up. His health has been a source of concern since June when he appeared on state television looking pale.

He is the second Zambian leader to die while in office. President Levy Mwanawasa died in 2008 while attending an African Union Summit in Egypt.

(Editor:Liang Jun、Bianji)
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