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Tuesday, July 18, 2000, updated at 09:20(GMT+8)

Clinton Plans to Wrap Up Summit Before Leaving for G-8

U.S. President Bill Clinton wants to wrap up the Middle East peace talks in Camp David, Maryland, before he leaves for a Group of Eight (G-8) summit in Japan, the White House said Monday.

"The plan is to complete this process before the president goes," White House spokesman Joe Lockhart told reporters. "The president has a schedule to keep."

According to Lockhart, Clinton is scheduled to leave for Japan Wednesday morning.

"The pace of the discussions has intensified," the spokesman said at a temporary press center near Camp David. "There have been two straight very long nights between the sides working through the difficult issues here."

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U.S. President Bill Clinton wants to wrap up the Middle East peace talks in Camp David, Maryland, before he leaves for a Group of Eight (G-8) summit in Japan, the White House said Monday.

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