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Thursday, June 22, 2000, updated at 17:04(GMT+8)

CMLR Sets Forth Land Supply Principle for Western Region Development

The Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources (CMLR) recently set forth the land supply principle for the construction of China's western region and will study and draw up a catalog of land supply for construction in this region in compliance with the requirement of the development of China's west and the nation's industrial policies.

It is reported that the Ministry of Land and Resources explicitly stated that priority arrangements and major guarantee with respect to land use are made for the following projects: trunk line of the national highways, the provincial and regional main highways and the key roads connecting cities and towns, trans-provincial (trans-regional) railways and exit-railways, perfection of auxiliary facilities of main airports, feeder airports listed in the State plan, the project of natural gas pipelines, the construction and renovation of urban and rural power grids, urban infrastructure construction projects, perfection of the auxiliary facilities of existing large and medium water conservancy projects and the building of new water conservancy projects listed in the State plan, superior mineral resources development projects and other construction projects supported and encouraged by China's industrial policies.

The Ministry of Land and Resource stipulates that land use for ordinary construction projects shall be kept under control, land is forbidden to be supplied to redundant construction projects, and projects which use backward technology, waste resources, cause serious pollution, produce low-quality and unmarketable products. At the same time, the ministry will stipulate measures of land supply to attract enterprises and individuals both at home and abroad to invest in factories, to exploit resources and to renovate old enterprises in west China. Besides, it will give priority support to a group of cities and towns which have good foundations, potentiality, and can promote the regional economic development, and reasonably decide on the scale of urban land use so as to accelerate the construction of cities and towns.

In This Section

The Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources (CMLR) recently set forth the land supply principle for the construction of China's western region and will study and draw up a catalog of land supply for construction in this region in compliance with the requirement of the development of China's west and the nation's industrial policies.

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