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Wednesday, June 21, 2000, updated at 13:45(GMT+8)

Chechen New Leader Calls for Rebuilding Homeland

New Chechen leader Akhmad Kadyrov Tuesday called on all Chechen people, regardless of their ethnic origins and religious faith, to make joint efforts to reconstruct Chechnya.

Russian media reported that during his inauguration ceremony in Gudermes, Chechnya's second biggest city, Kadyrov said that his major task is to draw all Chechen people together and help them forget their long time enmity.

Appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as the head of a new temporary civil administration eight days ago, Kadyrov stressed that Chechnya would not enjoy stability and peace unless local Chechen residents could return to their homes without worrying about their safety.

He also hoped those Russian experts, including his opponents, who had worked in Chechnya, would return to continue their work.

Viktor Kazantsev, Putin's representative to the North Caucasus Federal District, said Tuesday that the use of military means could not fully eradicate all illegal armed rebels in Chechnya.

He appealed to the new Chechen government to win over those who have yet to decide whether to collude with former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov and Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev, or to become honest citizens.

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New Chechen leader Akhmad Kadyrov Tuesday called on all Chechen people, regardless of their ethnic origins and religious faith, to make joint efforts to reconstruct Chechnya.

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