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Sunday, June 18, 2000, updated at 16:40(GMT+8)

Island Province to Build Large Fertilizer Plant

A large natural gas fertilizer plant with an investment of three billion yuan (about 362 million US dollars) will be built in Dongfang city in China's southernmost province of Hainan.

The plant will produce 450,000 tons of synthetic ammonia and 800,000 tons of carbamide. The plant will be operational by November 2003, said China National Offshore Oil Co. Ltd.

The company will also invest another five billion yuan (about 602.4 million US dollars) to develop a natural gas field.

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A large natural gas fertilizer plant with an investment of three billion yuan (about 362 million US dollars) will be built in Dongfang city in China's southernmost province of Hainan.

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