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Saturday, May 20, 2000, updated at 09:49(GMT+8)

China, Saudi Arabia to Produce Fiberglass Pipe

China and Saudi Arabia will jointly produce fiberglass pipes in Dalian, a coastal city in northeast China's Liaoning Province.

Construction of the Dalian Amiantit Fiberglass Pipe Co., Ltd. has begun and it will cost 35.8 million U.S. dollars. It is the first joint venture funded by Saudi Arabia in northeast China.

The company is expected to put into operation in June 2001 and it will produce 10,000 tons of fiberglass and 15,000 tons of fiberglass tubes a year. Its annual sales volume is expected to reach 250 million yuan (about 30 million U.S. dollars).

The equipment and technology were imported from the United States and Sweden.

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China and Saudi Arabia will jointly produce fiberglass pipes in Dalian, a coastal city in northeast China's Liaoning Province.

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