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Friday, May 12, 2000, updated at 15:19(GMT+8)

Clinton Administration to Propose More Skilled-Worker Visas

The U.S. government will ask Congress to raise to 200,000 annually the limit on visas it grants for skilled workers in 2001-2003 in an effort to meet booming demand for high-technology workers, a White House official said Thursday.

Under current law, the cap is 107,500 visas for 2001, falling to 65,000 for 2002 and 2003.

The Clinton administration proposal would raise the cap to 200,000 each of those years, a significant increase designed to meet the perceived worker shortage in the information technology industries, the official said.

The so-called H-1B visas are temporary visas granted to skilled workers from foreign countries.

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The U.S. government will ask Congress to raise to 200,000 annually the limit on visas it grants for skilled workers in 2001-2003 in an effort to meet booming demand for high-technology workers, a White House official said Thursday.

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