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Tuesday, April 18, 2000, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)

China, Chile sign Agriculture Protocols

China and Chile signed Monday three protocols in exports of Chilean dried fruits of table grapes, apples and kiwi to China.

The signing ceremony took place at Agriculture Ministry of Chile in Santiago. Present at the event were Chile's Minister of Agriculture, Jaime Campos, and China's ambassador in Chile, Zhang Shaying.

Speaking at the ceremony Minister Campos and visiting subhead of China's Administration of State for inspecting Entry and Exit and Quarantine, Yu Dahai, believed that further development of friendship and cooperation would be achieved between the two countries.

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China and Chile signed Monday three protocols in exports of Chilean dried fruits of table grapes, apples and kiwi to China. Yu Dahai, believed that further development of friendship and cooperation would be achieved between the two countries.

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