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Thursday, April 27, 2000, updated at 16:05(GMT+8)

Beijing to Choose Policemen Among College Graduates

The public security department in the Chinese capital will recruit about 200 new policemen among this year's college graduates, as a measure to improve the quality of the police contingent of 43,000 policemen in the city.

Officials with the local public security bureau said that college graduates or those with even higher educational level, regardless of their major, are welcome to make applications for the job if they are determined to engage in public security.

Male students are preferred this time, an official said, adding that the candidates should be politically qualified, behave well, and be in good health.

Policemen in Beijing used to come from graduates of some professional schools and veterans.

The candidates will be judged by an interview, paper test, psychological test, physical examination and political examination. The recruits will have one year on probation.

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The public security department in the Chinese capital will recruit about 200 new policemen among this year's college graduates, as a measure to improve the quality of the police contingent of 43,000 policemen in the city.

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