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Sunday, February 20, 2000, updated at 10:19(GMT+8)
World Iran Reformists Win Remarkable Victory in Provinces

  Iranian reformists have won remarkable victories in some provinces in the parliamentary elections, dealing a heavy blow to the powerful conservatives.

  Local reports say the reformist coalition with centralists has won at least 55 of the 82 seats announced so far, while the conservatives won 21 seats, and the others went to independents.

  The reformist coalition, led by the Islamic Iran Participation Front, has vowed to oust the conservatives from the powerful Majlis, Iran's parliament, and help the moderate President Mohammad Khatami accelerate his reform program. The reformists predicted they would win 60% of the 290 seats in the legislative body.

  Iranian voters have showed their strong support for President Khatami, and voter turnout was over 75 percent.

  However, hundreds of people staged a violent protest Saturday when an independent candidate was announced to have won in a constituency, injuring at least 15 people.

  Analysts warn there could be more violence if the final result proves, as seems likely, a major defeat for the Islamic conservatives.

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