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Wednesday, February 16, 2000, updated at 08:24(GMT+8)
China Chinese Premier Meets Turkish Interior Minister

Premier Zhu Rongji told visiting Turkish Minister of the Interior Saadettin Tantan in Beijing Wednesday that the Chinese government supports the cooperation between the public security departments of the two countries.

He cited the Sino-Turkish agreement on cracking down on transnational crimes signed on Monday as the basis for such cooperation.

The agreement will further bilateral cooperation on fighting against transnational crimes, organized crimes, drug-trafficking and international terrorism, he added.

Zhu also hailed the bilateral friendship, saying that the two countries share similar views on many international and regional issues.

Tantan said that his country will never tolerate any form of anti-China activities or terrorism in Turkey.

Tantan is in Beijing as the guest of Public Security Minister Jia Chunwang. (Xinhua)

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