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Monday, January 24, 2000, updated at 20:24(GMT+8)
Business EU expects China into WTO this Summer

China can become the member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) this Summer, according to Hans-Friedrich Beseler, the general director of the trade committee of the EU.

The negotiations between China and EU for the joining in WTO of China will be held on January 24 in Brussels.

As the chief representative of the EU-delegation Beseler will have a two-days talks with his Chinese counterpart, the vice-minister for foreign economy, trade and cooperation Long Yongtu. The negotiation will be finished at the beginning of March, said Beseler in an interview with the "Handesblatt" published in Duesseldorf.

China has reached the agreement with the United Sates about China's joining in WTO last November. And the EU requires China to open its markets for mobile communication, life insurance, machines, machine tools, autos, leathers ceramics, glass and porcelain.

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