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Thursday, January 20, 2000, updated at 13:41(GMT+8)
Business Tibet's Economic Growth Surpasses Average National Level for Six Straight Years

Tibet's 1999 GDP is estimated to reach 10.335 billion yuan, up 9.1 percent over the previous year, surpassing the average national level of growth for six years running.

It is learned from the Tibetan Economic Working Conference held in Lhasa on January 18 that last year Tibet's agricultural and pastoral areas saw a continued steady economic development, total grain output amounted to 917,000 tons, a 7.9 percent increase over the previous year, reaping the 12th rich harvest, with the objective of self-sufficiency in grain soon to be achieved. People's living standards were further improved, per-capita income of farmers and herdsmen was expected to reach 1,250 yuan, up 7.9 percent over the year before.

The region's total industrial output value last year was estimated to increase 7.8 percent over the preceding year, the output of power generation, gold, cement and other main industrial products all witnessed a considerable growth.

Under the action of the policy of expanding domestic demands and promoting consumption, Tibet's tertiary industry continued to maintain a rapid growth, with added value expected to reach 4.585 billion yuan, a 12.7 percent increase over the previous year.

Tibet's total import and export value last year was estimated to be US$166 million, up by 51 percent, of which exports increased by 87.6 percent over the year before, and the use of foreign funds hit US$6.48 million.

Tibet's tourist industry has maintained a good momentum of development. Last year, the region hosted 108,000 overseas tourists, earning foreign exchange valued at US$36 million, with respective increases of 12 percent and 9 percent over the previous year.

Last year, the region invested 4.9 billion yuan in fixed assets. A batch of key engineering projects, including the Chusong and Qiongguo reservoirs, and the Manla Water Conservancy pivotal project, the renovation of the Woka Hydroelectric Power Station and Lhasa City's power grids, construction of power stations in six counties without water and electric power, as well as renovation of Sichuan-Tibet Highway and Qinghai-Tibet Highway, and the reconstruction of Changbang Highway-all were carried out smoothly according to plan, some of them had been checked, accepted and put into service.

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