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Wednesday, January 19, 2000, updated at 11:15(GMT+8)
World UK Gives Chile Permission to Send Plane for Pinochet

Chile has been given permission to send a plane to Britain on Wednesday to take General Augusto Pinochet home if the government rules he can escape extradition to Spain.

According to a Reuters report, a defense ministry spokesman said, "We've been asked by the Chileans for permission to bring an aircraft to Brize Norton air force base near London. We've given permission and it is due to arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Meanwhile, protesters earlier on Tuesday formally challenged the British government's plans to free Pinochet, dismissing claims he was too ill to face extradition, hours before a 1700 GMT

deadline to submit motions to the Home Office.

Once the deadline had passed, Secretary of State for the Home Department Jack Straw would make a decision promptly, according to a government official.(Xinhua)

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