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Friday, January 14, 2000, updated at 22:23(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech Hello Kitty Computer to Go On Sale in Hong Kong

Starting January 14, the Hello Kitty computer will be available in Hong Kong. WWL Co. and AdMart will sell the Hello Kitty computers directly on the Internet.

WWL Co. said that they chose to sell the Hello Kitty computer in Hong Kong first, mainly because Hong Kong's market is relatively small, thus its easier to control marketing, sales, assembly and after sales service. If the computer sells well in Hong Kong, the company will consider selling it in Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and even Japan.

WWL plans on introducing computers with eight to ten different cartoon characters this year.

The Hello Kitty computer has a 400 MHz Intel Celeron microprocessor, is installed with complete multimedia and Internet functions and comes with ten educational and entertainment software programs. Its suggested retail price is 6,980 yuan.

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