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Wednesday, January 12, 2000, updated at 19:23(GMT+8)
Business Sino-Finnish Telecommunications Cooperation Discussed

China-Finland business ties were discussed at a seminar in Beijing on January 11 and analysts say such a move would be beneficial, especially in the development of the two countries' telecommunications industry.

The Sino-Finnish Telecommunication Seminar focused on telecommunications with new characteristics and technology in the future.

"With the globalization of the world economy, we will all rely heavily on the development and application of networks, telecommunications and information industry," OlliPekka Heinonen, minister of the Finnish Transportation and Telecommunications, was quoted by the China Daily as saying at the seminar.

He said that e-commerce, one of the most promising business models, would trigger enormous demand and profits for both countries.

Song Zhiyuan, board chairman of the China Institute of Communications, said that co-operation with the Finnish IT sector would contribute substantially to the country's IT industry in the new millennium. (Xinhua)

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