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Monday, January 03, 2000, updated at 14:49(GMT+8)
Culture A Mountain Village in Zhejiang's Changshan County Gets Rich From Stone Materials

Yanwashan is a small mountain village of Changshan County in the west of Zhejiang Province. Local farmers have exploited the abundance of stones and processed them into stone materials and works of art, which are sold to over 20 Chinese provinces and cities and more than 10 countries and regions, including Japan, the United States and Britain.Stone materials produced here are already used in Beijing's Zizhuyuan (black bamboo) Park and the Central Park in Shanghai's Pudong. In 1998, the output value of the village's stone materials alone exceeded 20 million yuan, per-capita income of the villagers reached 4,200 yuan, making this mountain village the "first rich village". Shown here are tea-sets made from black stones of Yanwashan Village.

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