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Thursday, December 30, 1999, updated at 09:26(GMT+8)
Business China's Petroleum Group Reports Profit of 17 Billion Yuan

The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) has set records in economic returns this year and expects to obtain sales income totaling 330 billion yuan (40 billion US dollars) by the end of this year, which represents an increase of 22 percent over the figure of 1998.

Its annual profits will amount to 17 billion yuan, a 2.6 fold growth over 1998.

Moreover, it has verified oil reserves totaling 399 million tons this year, 103 percent up over the figure of last year. It has verified gas reserves of 86.4 billion cu m this year.

CNPC is expected to pump crude oil and gas totaling 107 million tons and 16 billion cu m, respectively, by the end of this year. (Xinhua)

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