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Wednesday, December 22, 1999, updated at 09:57(GMT+8)
Culture Yunnan to Host International Tourism Festival

Yunnan Province in southwest China will host the China Kunming International Tourism Festival from April 10 to May 10 next year.

This announcement was released jointly by the National Tourism Administration and the Yunnan provincial government.

An organizing committee led by He Guangwei, director of the administration, and Yunnan Governor Li Jiating has been established to prepare for the event.

The festival will feature a variety of activities including the traditional festivals of ethnic minorities in Yunnan, film and art showings, clothing exhibits, and sports competitions.

The event will be jointly sponsored by the tourism administration, the provincial government and tourism bureau, and governments at the prefectural level.

Yunnan is home to more than 20 ethnic minorities, and has many tourist attractions. The 1999 Kunming International Horticulture Expo held this year from May 1 to October 31 in Kunming, the provincial capital, attracted over 9 million Chinese and foreign visitors.

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