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Tuesday, December 21, 1999, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)
World Albania Hails Macao's Return

Albanian President Rexhep Meidani, who has just returned home from a recent visit to Beijing, Sunday congratulated China on the return of Macao.

In an interview with Xinhua, Meidani said that during his stay in China, he was impressed with scenes of prosperous development wherever he went.

He said Macao's return to China after 400 years is a happy result of the policy of "one country, two systems."

Albanian Foreign Minister Paskal Milo also said Sunday that his country will stick to the "one China" policy.

Milo, who just returned from a recent China trip with President Rexhep Mejdani, told Xinhua that Taiwan was one of the major issues they discussed with the Chinese leaders.

He said the Albanian side reiterated to China its stance of recognizing only one China -- the People's Republic of China.

Noting that there are some voices in support of Taiwan in Albania, he stressed that they only reflect the opinion of a small number of people, and never represent the position of the government.

He added Tirana would follow its traditional stance and make no change to its policy.

During his very successful and fruitful trip, he said, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Li Peng, and Premier Zhu Rongji made

clear China's willingness to develop Sino-Albanian relations on the basis of mutual benefit.

The foundation for bilateral relations was further consolidated by the visit and cooperation in various fields, especially in economy, will be further enhanced, said the foreign minister.

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