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Monday, December 20, 1999, updated at 12:44(GMT+8)
World Myanmar Media Hail Macao's Return to China

The official New Light of Myanmar newspaper Monday hailed Macao's return to China, saying December 20, 1999 is an auspicious day for the Chinese people.

The newspaper said in an article that Macao's return to the motherland represents an end to the tarnishing of the dignity of the Chinese people, an end to colonial rule over Chinese soil and the establishment of a new era for Macao.

"As China regained Hong Kong from the British in 1997, it (Macao's return to China) is an important step for the unification with the motherland," it said.

The paper expressed the confidence that the future of Macao will be brilliant together with the economic development of motherland China.

In a recent interview with Xinhua, Myanmar Foreign Minister U Win Aung also expressed the confidence that the policy of "one country, two systems" will be successfully implemented in Macao as it has been in Hong Kong.

He believed that after Macao's return to China, its environment of economic and social development would be further improved, adding that Macao's traditional tourism industry, services and marine businesses would be further developed.

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