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Monday, December 20, 1999, updated at 08:57(GMT+8)
Business Bankers Confident in Macao's Bright Future

Portuguese Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU), a currency issuing bank in Macao since early this century, says its role in Macao will not affected following Macao's return to China tomorrow.

Herculano Sousa, general manager of BNU Macao Branch, said he expects bustling business as Macao becomes more integrated with China.

"We are not going to suffer in any way with the departure of expatriates and Portuguese officials," the general manager said.

BNU will continue to jointly issue local currency, the pataca, with the Bank of China's Macao Branch, according to today's China Daily Business Weekly.

"After a few years of restructuring, we are now servicing everybody and have products that serve the entire population such as credit cards, mortgages and housing loans. Our deposits have grown significantly," he said. The status as an issuer is guaranteed by a contract with the Monetary and Foreign Exchange Authority. The contract will be valid until 2010, and is renewable.

"We want to continue in the issuing business, because we know it well and have experience in the field," Sousa said.

After Macao's return to China, BNU plans to become involved in South China's economy. Macao's close economic relations with the European Union and BNU's network in Portuguese-speaking countries, especially in South America, are expected to help the bank's initiative

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