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Monday, December 20, 1999, updated at 10:03(GMT+8)
China Full Text of Speech of Macao SAR Chief Executive

Edmund Ho Hau Wah makes an inaugural speech after taking an oath of office as the first chief executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) at the Forum, Macao, on the early morning of December 20. The full text of his speech is as follows:

President Jiang Zemin,Premier Zhu Rongji,distinguished guests,fellow compatriots and friends, At long last, on this historic day: the twentieth of December nineteen ninety-nine, Macao has returned to her motherland. Macao's return to the motherland opens a new page in history. Now, together with the Chinese people of all nationalities, and sharing the same national flag as the People's Republic of China, we are greeting the arrival of the new millennium.

Amidst this celebration, we must remember that, in the past hundred years or so, the Chinese people have striven relentlessly to safeguard our nation's territorial integrity and its dignity. Over the past fifty years, under the guidance of three generations of leaders headed by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the Chinese people have gone from strength to strength, playing an increasingly important role in the world. This in turn has paved the way for the smooth resolution of the question of Macao. With wisdom and foresight, Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward the great concept of "one country, two systems" and solved a historical problem in a peaceful way. All of this has laid a solid foundation for a smooth transition and continued stability and prosperity in Macao after its reunification with the motherland.

China's resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Macao under the principle of "one country, two systems" embodies a concept of ingenious political foresight. It is the basis for Macao's future development. First of all, we must have a clear notion of "one country": this means one sovereign state. Then comes the concept of "two systems" coexisting and prospering together within this one sovereign state. The Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region specifies and elucidates the content of the "one country, two systems" principle. To implement this principle, it is necessary to adhere firmly to the Basic Law.

Unificaiton has always been the main focus throughout China's history, and national unity, well-being and prosperity have always constituted goals to which the Chinese people have aspired tirelessly. Macao's return to China is an important step in the process of, and great progress towards, the ultimate reunification of our motherland.

In the same hours this morning, when the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) was established, it was a deeply moving and immensely inspiring experience to see the MSAR regional flag hoisted together with the national flag of the People's Republic of China, set to the solemn strains of our national anthem.

In hailing this new era for Macao, we also join with all the peoples of the world in greeting the arrival of the new century. This is a joyous, proud and glorious moment. We are filled with hopes for a brighter and better future and imbued with a lofty and sacred sense of mission and responsibility. As the Chief Executive, chosen by the people of Macao for the first time, I wish once more to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Central Government for the trust placed in me, and to the people of Macao for their support. In the years to come, I will work tirelessly and resolutely to uphold and implement the principle of "one country, two systems" in accordance with the Basic Law, and to lead Macao's 400,000-odd citizens towards a bright and prosperous future. This shall be my greatest honor and responsibility.

I firmly believe that, as the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Macao will become more stable, more progressive and prosperous.

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