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Sunday, December 19, 1999, updated at 10:28(GMT+8)
Business France to Continue Increase of Investment in Macao

Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macao Jerome Pasquier said in a recent interview that France firmly supports China's resumption of sovereignty over Macao and will continue to increase French investment in Macao after its return.

Pasquier said that he is confident about the future of Macao and its return to China will bring new opportunities for French businesses there.

Pasquier believed that Macao's return to the motherland will be in a very positive direction of development and the "One Country, Two Systems" concept will work well in Macao as it did in Hong Kong.

"It will be a historic date, and China's recovery of administration over Macao at the turn of the century is a good symbol," Pasquier said. "I totally share the great joy and pleasure with the Chinese people over the news."

As an Envoy, Pasquier has traveled frequently between Hong Kong and Macao since he took office in Hong Kong last year. He has also met with Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive-designate of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) several times.

"The people of Macao are very optimistic of Macao's future, and the new team of capable MSAR leaders have lots of new ideas to run things well," he recalled.

With its unique multi-cultural backgrounds and scenic attractions, Macao is an international city. And Macao's return will benefit not only its own economic development and social stability, but also the foreign trade and investment there, he said.

The French government has attached great importance over Macao' s return to China and will send a high-level delegation to attend the ceremony in Macao since France is the biggest European investor in Macao except Portugal, Pasquier said.

"We have had a rather good economic presence in Macao and we have many French companies in Macao in dealing with water supply, electricity, waste treatment, air transport, hotel and entertainment," Pasquier said, adding that Macao's return to China will provide a good basis for France to increase its trade and investment.

"There is no reason to change our foreign policy since the system of Macao will remain unchanged," he added. (Xinhua)

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