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Thursday, December 16, 1999, updated at 08:56(GMT+8)
China Reception Marks 50th Anniversary of CPIFA Establishment

The Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA), one of China's top non-governmental

organizations involving foreign contacts, held a reception in the Great Hall of People in Beijing to mark the 50th anniversary of its establishment and its newly-elected fifth council.

Chinese Vice-Premier Qian Qichen delivered a speech at the reception. He cited the CPIFA as a "senior" non-governmental organization, which is composed of noted Chinese personages from among diplomats, scholars in international affairs, economic and military areas. It has gained fruitful experience in international affairs studies and people-to-people contacts with other countries,

he noted.

Mei Zhaorong, president of CPIFA, addressed the reception, saying the CPIFA was established in Beijing on December 15, 1949, at the proposal of the late Premier Zhou Enlai. Over the past half a century, it abided by China's foreign policy and conducted international exchanges with foreign countries, which helped increase mutual understanding and promote the forging of

diplomatic ties between China and many other countries.

The CPIFA maintains extensive contacts with statesmen, diplomats, public figures, scholars and entrepreneurs in more than 130 countries. It has received over 2,100 high-level delegations

with more than 14,000 foreign guests.

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