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Sunday, December 12, 1999, updated at 14:35(GMT+8)
World Portugal Wants Closer Ties With China After Macao's Return

Portugal will continue efforts to promote Sino-Portuguese and Sino-European relations after Macao 's return to China later this month, President of the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic Antonio Almeida Santos said Friday.

Meeting with a visiting delegation of the Chinese National People's Congress (NPC), Santos said that the smooth transition in Macao and its return to China will help maintain the friendly relations between his country and China and provide an example for the international society in solving issues left over from history through friendly talks and cooperation.

He recalled Chinese President Jiang Zemin's latest visit to Portugal and invited Li Peng, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, to visit Portugal.

The Chinese NPC delegation arrived here Thursday at the invitation of the assembly for a four-day good will visit.

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