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Saturday, November 27, 1999, updated at 13:00(GMT+8)
Sports Chinese pairs impressive at Russian Cup

The Chinese skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo displayed nearly flawless performance to stand first after the short programs at the Cup of Russia Grand Prix event at St.Petersburg.

The duo, who finished runners-up at Helsinki World Championships early this year, landed triples in tandem and then Shen was perfect in completing a triple from the throw of her partner.

Russian Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov finished second despite a fall during a tandem triple attempt. Ukraine's s Aljona Savchenko and Stanislav Morozov placed third.

Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, the co-leaders in the Grand Prix standings, were forced to withdraw after Pelletier came down with a stomach ailment.

Russian dominated the singles as Irina Slutskaya excited the crowds with her flair and exuberance to lead the women's short programs competition.

Placing second was another Russian, Julia Soldatova, who edged American Angela Nikodinov into third.

Yevgeny Plushenko made up for his technical faults with high presentation marks to end up first after the men's short programs.

Russian Alexander Abt attempted one fewer triple than Plushenko and lacked his compatriot's flair, leaving him in second position. China's Guo Zhengxin was third after his technically sound but colorless routines.

The first day of competition also saw the compulsory dance segment of the ice dancing event, with all of the duos skating a basic program with little variance to a Viennese waltz.

Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margaglio of Italy stood first, followed by Shae-Lynne Bourne and Victor Kraatz of Canada and Poland's Silwia Nowak and Sebastian Kolasinski.


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