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Friday, November 26, 1999, updated at 10:28(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech HK Police endeavor to Fight Cyber Crimes

Hong Kong police are devoting resources to deal with the ever-increasing computer-related crimes, Chief Superintendent of Police's Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) Lo Yik-kee said on November 25.

Briefing the media on the latest computer crime situation, Lo said that the number of cyber crime cases reported was 228 so far this year while there were only 34 reported cases in 1998.

Out of the 228 cases, 160 were on hacking, 31 on publication of obscene articles, four on criminal damage in relation to data and 14 on Internet shopping fraud.

Lo pointed out that the tremendous growth of technology and the rapid expansion in the use of Internet had provided users with access to information but at the same time opportunities for criminals.

"To broaden police capability to cope with the increasing demand in investigations, we endeavor to develop investigation skills, exchange information with overseas law enforcement agencies and liaise with local information technology professionals," Lo said.

"As part of the efforts to broaden capability, a Computer Crime investigation Cadre (CCIC) will start to function in December," he added.

Comprising more than 80 officers of different ranks drawn from various formations, the CCIC will provide support services to front-line operational units at district levels.

"Under the existing legislation, the maximum penalty to be imposed on offenders of computer-related crimes is a fine of one million HK dollars or 10 years imprisonment," Lo warned. (xinhua)

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