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Friday, November 19, 1999, updated at 09:32(GMT+8)
Culture Bronze Horse Sculpture Presented to US City

The replica of a famous ancient Chinese bronze article was presented in Xi'an recently to the city of Lexington, Kentucky in the United States.

A galloping horse with its right hind foot on a swallow, the bronze sculpture is 1.94 meters high, 2.44 meters long, and weights about 1.5 tons. It took a local arts and crafts company three months to make.

Ms. Miller, the mayor of the city, received the gift from the deputy governor of Shanxi Province who presented it on behalf of the makers. The sculpture will stand in the government square in Lexington as a symbol of friendship between the people of the two countries.

"The galloping horse with right hind foot on a swallow" is a famous cultural relic from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). It is now the symbol of China tourism.

The city of Lexington has many years of cooperative relations with the parent company of the replica's producer. This month, Ms. Miller is leading a special group to Xi'an, the capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

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