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Wednesday, November 17, 1999, updated at 16:39(GMT+8)
World Security Council Condemns Attacks on UN Offices in Afghanistan

The United Nations Security Council on November 16 condemned the attacks on the UN offices in Afghanistan and called for increased security for UN humanitarian personnel and facilities.

The move came after the Security Council held closed-door consultations on Afghanistan during which the Council was briefed on the latest situation in the country.

UN sanctions against Afghanistan's biggest warring party the Taliban went into force Sunday after its failure to hand over Saudi dissident bin Laden, after which angry demonstrators attacked UN offices in Kabul and other cities.

The Security Council reiterated its demand that the Taliban turn over Bin Laden as set out in its relevant resolution.

The Council emphasized the importance of the humanitarian assistance to Afghan people and commended the courage shown by UN and other international personnel as well as their will to continue to provide humanitarian assistance.

The Council urged all states to enhance humanitarian assistance to Afghan people and call upon parties in Afghanistan to enable access of humanitarian assistance to the people in need.

Bin laden, a Saudi dissident who lives in Afghanistan, is accused of plotting the bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last year which killed at least 220 people.

The United Nations has accused the Taliban of not doing enough to stop the violent protests.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Monday reminded the Taliban of its responsibility of protecting the safe of UN property and UN personnel in the country.

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