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Tuesday, November 16, 1999, updated at 09:10(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech China Builds Nationwide Power Grid

China will build three major power grids in the north, south and central parts of the State in the next ten years, connecting a nationwide power grid by 2020, according to the State Power Corp.

With the Three Gorges Power Station operational, 9,100-kilometer transmission lines will be completed to connect the power station with power grids in central and east China as well as Sichuan Province, forming the Central China Power Grid spanning a distance of 2,000 km from east to west. The power grid will serve as a link to grids in north, northwest and south China and the center of the nationwide power grid.

A 500 kv project from Hebei Province to Liaoning Province is currently under construction to connect grids in northeast and north China.

A South China Power Grid has been set up based on power grids in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

By year 2000, the framework of various inter-provincial power grids will take shape, involving 500 kv and 330 kv power grids as part of initial steps to building a nationwide power grid by 2020.

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