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Tuesday, November 16, 1999, updated at 09:10(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech Macao-Guangdong Flight Information Network Operational

China launched a high- tech project meant on November 15 to speed up transmission of flight information between airports in Macao and Guangdong Province in south China.

Airspace over the Zhujiang River Delta is one of the world's busiest air navigational routes due to the number of major airports in Hong Kong, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Macao.

The low-speed transmission connection used in the area has long been inadequate for the increasing number of flights in this area.

China has set up a network connecting flight data between major airports in central and south China to develop its aviation information service and improve flight safety,.

When the project is completed, airports in Macao will also be hooked up to the network, which can provide a variety of information services including automatic telegraphing, telephone call exchange, radar info, pager messaging, telecontrol info and weather database information.

Airports in Hong Kong joined the network in October, increasing the telegraph transmitting speed between Hong Kong and Guangzhou from 75 bits to 2,400 bits.

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