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Sunday, November 14, 1999, updated at 13:17(GMT+8)
World Egyptian, French FMs Discuss Mideast Issues

Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa began talks on November 13 with his French counterpart Hubert Vedrine on Mideast issues.

The two ministers are expected to deal with regional and international issues of mutual interest, with focus on the latest developments in the Mideast peace process, the Palestinian-Israeli track in particular, Egypt's Middle East News Agency reported.

They will also review Egypt's efforts in helping promote the peace process and the role of France in this regard, the news agency said.

Vedrine arrived in Cairo on November 12 night for a two-day visit within a three-nation regional tour, which has taken him to Syria and Lebanon.

France, which desires to play a role in mediating the Arab-Israeli peace talks, keeps close coordination on the issue with Egypt, the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty in 1979 with Israel and an active mediator between the Arab sides and the Jewish state.

The discussion between Moussa and Vedrine will also cover the situation in Iraq in light of the ongoing debate in the United Nations Security Council about issues related to the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, the news agency added.

Britain and some other countries have proposed the sanctions be suspended if Baghdad cooperates with the UN Security Council. But Baghdad insists on lifting of the trade embargo before it resumes cooperation with the UN in eliminating its weapons of mass destruction. (Xinhua)

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