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Thursday, November 11, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
China 37th Plenum of Sino-Portuguese JLG Ends in Macao

The two-day 37th plenary session of the Sino-Portuguese Joint Liaison Group (JLG) ended in Macao on November 10.

The heads of both sides briefed the media on the topics discussed at the plenary session, but did not respond to the specific questions raised by reporters.

Chinese and Portuguese officials will hold a press conference Thursday afternoon after visiting the venue for the ceremony marking Macao's power transfer from Portugal to China.

Han Zhaokang, chief representative of the Chinese side of the JLG, said that officials from both sides reviewed and assessed the work of the group over the past 12 years, and made discussions on some topics at the plenary meeting.

He noted that some topics will continue to be discussed in the group before January 1, 2000, when the work of the JLG will be put to an end.

Han said that the two sides should make good use of the time left, so that a good foundation for the sound operation of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government can be laid.

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