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Saturday, November 06, 1999, updated at 11:08(GMT+8)
Business Penalized Insurance Broker Resumes Business in China

Sedgwick Insurance & Risk Management Consultants (China) Limited, a subsidiary of the world' s largest insurance consultant group, the J & H Marsh Mclennan, has resumed business in China after being suspended in May.

Sources with the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) confirmed the development today.

Sedgwick, so far the only foreign-funded insurance broker operating in China, was suspended for three months in May by the CIRC in a campaign to rein in the intermediary market.

The company was accused of conducting unauthorized business, changing office locations without noticing the CIRC and a series of other questionable moves.

In approving Sedgwick to restart business, the CIRC said the company has admitted its mistakes and taken positive measures to correct them, and has completed all the tasks in its rectification program.

Sedgwick started business in Beijing in 1993 with the approval of the People's Bank of China. Its licensed business includes insurance and risk management consultant services to overseas- funded businesses in China and arranging international reinsurance for Chinese insurance firms upon request.

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