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Friday, October 29, 1999, updated at 12:18(GMT+8)
World Turkish PM Meets Chinese Defense Minister

ANKARA, October 27 (Xinhua) -- Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said in Ankara October 27 that Turkey attaches great importance to developing friendly and cooperative ties in all fields with China.

In a meeting with visiting Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian, Ecevit said Turkey respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, and opposes any separatist and terrorist activities.

On bilateral ties, he said Turkey and China enjoy good relations in the political, economic, trade, cultural and defense fields.

The Turkish prime minister also said the friendly and cooperative ties not only accord with the basic interests of the two peoples, but also benefit the common development of the two countries.

For his part, Chi said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1971, the two countries have developed friendly and cooperative relations in a stable way, adding Beijing and Ankara have made great achievements in political, economic and cultural fields.

He added that friendly cooperation of the two peoples have not only brought about a lot of interests to the two sides, but also played a positive role in establishing peace and stability in Asia and the world. (Xinhua)

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