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Thursday, October 28, 1999, updated at 16:33
Business Shanghai Reports High Economic Growth

Shanghai, China's leading industrial and commercial city, generated 284 billion yuan in gross domestic product in the first three quarters this year, up 9. 9 percent on a year-on-year basis.

This growth rate was 2.5 percentage points higher than the national figure.

Local analysts attribute this upward trend to the implementation of a national policy to spur domestic demand and restructure local economy.

Statistics indicate that the industrial sector in Shanghai performed well during the January-September period, with total industrial added value increasing 9.3 percent to top 127.1 billion yuan.

Large losing state-owned enterprises in the city reduced their losses by 17.1 percent during this period, and retail sales of consumer goods reached 115.1 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6 percent.

Shanghai's exports for the period surged 18.8 percent to reach 13.336 billion US dollars.

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