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Friday, October 29, 1999, updated at 18:42(GMT+8)
Business Suzhou Economic Zone up to International Environmental Standards

The hi-tech economic zone in the city of Suzhou in east China's Jiangsu Province has reached the international environmental standards dubbed "ISO14000 Model Zone" after being examined by the State Environmental Protection Administration.

The Suzhou New Zone covers an area of 25 sq km, which is planned to expand to 52 sq km. Since the zone reached the world environmental standards, the environment has improved remarkably. More than 35 percent of the zone has been covered with green foliage. Seventy percent of local sewage and industrial wastes conforms with nationwide standards.

To date, more than 10,000 enterprises the world over have passed the ISO14000 standard system that has been introduced to improve and protect the environment.

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