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Tuesday, October 26, 1999, updated at 13:46
World African Development Forum Opens in Ethiopia

  ADDIS ABABA, October 24 (Xinhua) -- The African Development Forum (ADF) ' 99, under the theme of "the Challenge to Africa of Globalization and the Information Age", opened in Addis Ababa on the of October 24.

  Among the high profile participants attending the opening session of the forum are First Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Lousise Frenchettee, Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity Salim Ahmed Salim and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

  More than 35 African ministers and 600 experts from both within and outside Africa and international organizations are also here participating in the four-day forum organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).

  Addressing the forum at the ECA Conference Hall, Meles said that Africa, which is making efforts to reduce the level of poverty in the continent by half by the year 2015, must try from a desperately weakened position to overcome the various challenges it faces in the globalizing world.

  Meles attached importance to the globalization, saying Africa has become part of the global economy.

  However, he pointed out that being part of the global economy does not necessarily mean that one has become a productive part of the process and in a position to draw benefits from it.

  Africa should find ways and means of creating the necessary conditions for itself to share the benefits of the global economy in an equitable and fair manner, he said.

  The prime minister emphasized that the domestic private sector could play an important part in promoting regional economic growth and sustained development.

  The role of the state is also very important, he said, noting that political will and the rule of law cannot be made available and fostered without the critical role of the state.

  Meles expressed the belief that Africa is bound to remain linked to the global economy.

  Referring to Western developed countries, Meles said inputs made towards Africa's development are not matters of philanthropy.

  "Africa's growth and development is not only in the interest of Africa but also, as I have said earlier, in the interest of all those who presently exercise monopoly over the benefits of globalization," he said.

  OAU Chief Salim said that as the new millennium is coming, Africa should make concerted efforts to avert the marginalization of the continent and its role in world politics.

  Confessing the sad reality that at present, the size of Africa's involvement in global trade is only two percent, Salim said "poverty brings about instability and insecurity, which in turn breed under-development."

  On priorities in the next century, Salim called on African countries to continue their efforts to make political and economic reforms and to link democratization and good governance with assuring sustainable economic development.

  "Africa has resolved to address the scourge of conflicts and to establish lasting peace, security and stability, and to purse the path of democratic governance," he said.

  "In the same regard, Africa aspires to promote sustainable development and to ensure that the people are the focus of all endeavors," Salim added.

  The ECA-sponsored forum is due to start from Monday with different panels, research presentations as well as exhibitions, according to agenda of the international seminar. (Xinhua)

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