Thu,Jan 9,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Chinese envoy to attend Syria conference in Kuwait

(Xinhua)    19:20, January 09, 2014
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BEIJING, Jan. 9 -- China's Middle East Special Envoy Wu Sike will head to Kuwait for the second international donor conference for Syria, which is scheduled be held on Jan. 15.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying confirmed Wu's planned attendance at a regular press conference on Thursday.

Hua said China paid close attention to the humanitarian situation in Syria and supports the international society to beef up assistance for the country, following the principles of neutrality and justice.

In order to relieve the humanitarian situation, the international community should push for a political resolution of the Syria issue, she said.

Hua said China has offered humanitarian aid for Syrian people and its overseas refugees, and will continue to provide assistance.

(Editor:SunZhao、Yan Meng)

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