Thu,Nov 21,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

China sees opportunity to resolve Iran nuclear issue

(Xinhua)    18:26, November 21, 2013
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China on Thursday called for relevant parties to seize the current opportunity to achieve the best possible result in a nuclear dialogue with Iran.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said at a press briefing that the Iranian nuclear issue has seen positive momentum as the international community embarked on a new round of dialogue with Iran in Geneva on Wednesday.

Parties sitting at the table with Iran include the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- China, the United States, Russia, Britain and France -- plus Germany.

Hong said the relevant parties have shown positive gestures to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue.

"We hope that the relevant parties will seize the opportunity, maintain the momentum of dialogue, find the greatest possible 'common divisor' and strive for the best possible result of the dialogue," Hong said.

Hong said China has always insisted on observing the principles of equality and step-by-step progress in dialogue. He said China will continue to play an active role in the dialogue so as to achieve an ideal result.


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