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China Focus: Anticipated news events in 2014

(Xinhua)    18:51, January 02, 2014
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BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- The following is a summary of news events expected in China in 2014.

-- New China's 65th anniversary

Socialist China National Day on Oct. 1, will be the 65th birthday of modern China. Reform will continue relentlessly across various fields in 2014, promoting modern government, an increasing the role for market forces and giving people better access to public services.

-- 60th anniversary of the National People's Congress

In 1954, the First National People's Congress was convened in Beijing and thereby established the people's congress system. Over 60 years, the system has guaranteed an evolving socialist democracy.

-- 110th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping

Born in August 1904, Deng is regarded as the "chief architect" of China's economic reform.

The reform and opening-up drive in the late 1970s is seen was a decisive moment in modern China's development and crucial to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

-- The third national economic census

China's third national economic census entered its registration phase on Jan. 1.

Conducted once every five years, the census will survey over 10 million businesses and organizations and 60 million individually-employed persons in the next three months.

The results will be released in the second half of 2014.

-- 120th anniversary of first Sino-Japanese War

The first Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) ended in the defeat of China. In April 1895, the government of the Qing Dynasty of China was forced to cede the island of Taiwan and other territories to Japan and pay a huge amount of "war indemnity" by the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki.

The war and its outcome greatly exacerbated China's status as a semi-colonial society.

-- Exploration of deep seas and space

Jiaolong, China's first manned deep sea submarine, is scheduled for a research voyage in the Indian Ocean in 2014. Jiaolong reached 7,062 meters in the Pacific's Mariana Trench in June 2012.

China will continue its lunar mission.

-- Changes to family planning policy

More couples will be allowed to have two children in 2014, if one parent is an only child.

Last week, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, passed a resolution allowing local legislatures to amend laws.

-- Reform to the college admission system

The Ministry of Education is expected to issue a road map for the reform of the university admission system in the first half of 2014. A key reform will be allowing students to take examinations more than once and apply for colleges with the best scores.

-- New real estate registration system

New real estate registration rules will come into force in 2014.

A nationalized registration system will help better protect citizens' property rights, make the government's property policy more relevant, and lend a hand to fighting corruption, as wished by many people.

(Editor:intern1、Huang Jin)

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