Wed,Oct 23,2013

Editor's Pick

Indian paramilitary trooper killed in Pakistan shelling in Kashmir

(Xinhua)    13:27, October 23, 2013
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NEW DELHI, Oct. 23 -- One Indian paramilitary trooper was killed and three other injured in shellings by Pakistani troops along the international border in Kashmir Tuesday night, local media said Wednesday.

The troopers belonged to India's Border Security Force (BSF). Pakistan Rangers shelled the R.S.Pura sector of the Jammu region, also injuring a civilian, Indo-Asian News Service quoted a senior police officer as saying.

The BSF has strongly retaliated to Pakistan firing and heavy shelling, said the report.

Indian Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Tuesday visited the region to take stock of the situation.

India said Pakistan has violated more than 200 times a 2003 cease-fire agreement in Kashmir so far this year. But India also said the cease-fire has not collapsed and both sides should resort to peaceful solutions to the dispute.

Pakistan has rejected the accusation.

(Editor:LiangJun、Yao Chun)

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