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Egypt diplomat clarifies remarks over Barqa region with Libya


08:41, January 21, 2013

TRIPOLI, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zaidan held on Sunday a meeting with Egypt's ambassador to Libya Hesham Abdulwahed to discuss the alleged remarks by Egypt's Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, which were denied later by the Egyptian cabinet.

The Lebanese newspaper al-Diyar alleged that Qandil said his country has historical rights in Barqa Region, eastern cities of Libya, and its oil.

Zaidan briefed the Egyptian diplomat that the government and people of Libya voiced concern over these remarks.

Qandil is wiser to say something like this, Zaidan said, reiterating the depth of Egyptian-Libyan ties and urged the Egyptian side to clarify its stance with regard to these allegations.

"Egypt does not interfere in other countries' affairs and this is the planks of the Egyptian foreign policy," Abdul Wahab was cited by Egypt's state-run MENA news agency as saying following the meeting.

"Egypt does not have such a policy or thinking, and we will inform the Libyan authorities with the updates after contacting with the Egyptian presidency and cabinet," he added.

Later in the day, spokesman for the Egyptian cabinet Alaa el- Hadidi denied making such remarks by Qandil or any other Egyptian official.

"These alleged statements were not made by Qandil or any Egyptian official," MENA quoted Hadidi as saying.

Hadidi hailed as deeply-rooted relations binding between the two neighboring countries.

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